Pure Excitement Comics is maintained by Bill Nolan.
Vol. 1 No. 23 July 2000
In This Issue:
Contents Page
Lt. Hercules
Stupid Manny
Other issues!
Next Month:
Three great stories featuring Golden Age Mysterymen!
Bill Nolan's Other Pages:
CD-ROMs featuring more great reprints!
The Gallery of Golden Age Heroes!
A closer look at some great Golden Age characters!
Prescription for Excitement!
A look at classic "in-house" comic book ads.
Home Page
Custom Action Figure Page
[Return to Main Page]
Related Links:
Captain Comics
Home of the weekly comic book columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service
Golden Agers
A Yahoo club I started but abandoned, which has
started showing signs of life again lately.
Big Shot
A great site focusing on that particular Golden Age title.
The Spirit
A great site dedicated to what was probably the best
comic feature of the Golden Age!
Other Golden Age Reprints
James Ludwig's great Golden Age reprint site!
The Cheeks The Toy Wonder Home Page
A fantastic place for fans of Silver Age comics to explore!
A Guide To Marvel's Golden Age Characters
A rundown of some of the great characters I cannot feature here.
The Good Guys and Gals of the Golden Age Art Gallery
A great "who's who" of Golden Age heroes.
Offering affordable Golden Age comics on microfiche.
Comcs on CD-ROM
Offering Golden Age covers and stories on affordable CD-ROMS. Highly recommended!
Mikel Midnight Golden Age Directory
A great on-line resource for Golden Age fans. Great links.
AC Comics
Publisher of Golden Age Men of Mystery and more.

Welcome to the Letters Page,
everybody! For more great reprints check out our back issues and
the CD-ROM page. Also, Golden Age fans are urged to check out
Tales from the Attic, a great new fanzine dedicated to that classic era of comic history,
complete with exclusive reprints from yours truly! The first two issues should now be available,
email RJCroxton@aol.com for details on how to order copies!
For a less-biased opinion of issue 1, check out Jennifer M. Contino's review at the
Sequential Tart web site.
Finally, here are some letters I received in response to the last issue:
Hi Bill.
The new edition and other edition of PEC, are very great for mi,
a lover of Golden Age comics. Great work and congratulations for
all editions. Greetings from Chile, South America.
Long Live the Golden Age Comics!
Eduardo Ravanal
Crazy comic man of Chile
Eduardo -- Great to hear from you
about my site. I'm glad to see that my Pure Excitement Comics are being read by
people from around the world. Thanks for reading!
Thank you for the wonderful
web-zine. I have just discovered your pages and love it!!! Any advice on where/how
to find some of these great GA comics? Most of the comic shops I go to have a very
limited amount of GA issues. Rest assured anything I see and can afford will be mailed
out to you (as long as you return it) for a possible feature on your pages. Thanks again.
Keep up the good work.
Stephanie Cordle
[I e-mailed the
following response as well, but it bounced back as undeliverable, so I hope
it was received] Stephanie, thanks for reading. And special thanks for writing in.
My main source lately for Golden Age comics is eBay. There's lots of good stuff
there, just be careful of the grading and don't get caught up in it too much. My
rule of thumb is to only bid on auctions with a picture of the comic. That way you
can sort of know what you're getting. Thanks for the offer of donations for the site.
I'm not sure when I will need more material and I might be a little uncomfortable with
others' books, but I'll let people know through the web site if I need stuff.
Bill -- Thanks so much
for providing the Pure Excitement site! I am working my way through the issues
little by little. So far, the Dick Briefer "Frankenstein" is hands down my favorite.
If you have any more of his stories, I'd love to see them in a future issue. The red,
yellow and blue colors combined with the clean brushwork created a striking effect.
I also liked "Fantomah" for its weirdness. Keep the weirdness coming!
Best wishes,
David, thanks for writing in to let me
know that you are enjoying my site! Hope you liked every issue. I'll see what I can
do about another Frankenstein story, I think I have access to a couple more [Editor's
note - I managed to sneak one in this issue, hope you liked it!]. I do have another
Fantomah story, but the feature had changed tone and is quite different. Mayby I'll
reprint that story, too, to show the differences. Of course, it's not as weird as the
first one, so it's not as interesting!
Hi Bill, just wanted to
let you know I think the latest edition is great. I had heard of Wildfire, but
Spacehawk and Chuck Magnon were new to me. Chuck may have only lasted one issue,
but he puts me in mind of characters like DC's Immortal Man and Vandal Savage and
Marvel's Ulysses Bloodstone. I guess the concept was sound even if the character
didn't have any staying power. Keep up the good work and I look forward to the
next edition and your next CD.
Dennis, thanks for
writing in again. It's great to hear from long-time fans as well as new ones
each month after the new issue comes out. I enjoyed the Chuck Magnon story as
well. I try to stick to more straight-forward costumed heroes, but that story
was close enough and was well done. Also, there have been several Spacehawk
reprint projects over the years (in black and white). I own an over-sized edition
published about 20 years ago, but there was a Basil Wolverton collection with a
lot of Spacehawk stories in it published by Dark Horse not long ago. I don't own
a copy, but I saw one in a store a couple of months ago, so it should be readily
available. The Dark Horse book is about the same size as the digest-like Manga collections
and contains more pages than the older collection.
That's it for the letters
from the last month. See you next month!

In the gallery this month is a foreign entry -- the cover of the January 1953 Masterman Comic,
published in England. Bobby Fletcher, a young boy, rubbed his Ring of Fate to
transform into Masterman and fight for freedom and justice.
Artwork originally ©1953 United Anglo-American Book Co. Ltd.
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